John Paul II ([*1920]-1978-2005)

Bl. Pope John Paul II - Oct 16, 1978 to April 2, 2005 

Index of Encyclicals by Pope John Paul II with study tool - Vatican site - multiple languages

Alphabetic Order Chronological Order
  1. Centesimus Annus May 1, 1991
  2. Dives in Misericordia November 30, 1980
  3. Dominum et Vivificantem May 18, 1986
  4. Ecclesia De Eucharistia April 17, 2003
  5. Evangelium Vitae March 25, 1995
  6. Fides et Ratio September 14, 1998
  7. Laborem Exercens September 14, 1981
  8. Redemptor Hominis March 4, 1979
  9. Redemptoris Mater March 25, 1987
  10. Redemptoris Missio December 7, 1990
  11. Slavorum Apostoli June 2, 1985
  12. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis December 30, 1987
  13. Ut Unum Sint May 25, 1995
  14. Veritatis Splendor August 6, 1993 


  1. Ecclesia De Eucharistia April 17, 2003
  2. Fides et Ratio September 14, 1998
  3. Ut Unum Sint May 25, 1995
  4. Evangelium Vitae March 25, 1995
  5. Veritatis Splendor August 6, 1993 
  6. Centesimus Annus May 1, 1991
  7. Redemptoris Missio December 7, 1990
  8. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis December 30, 1987
  9. Redemptoris Mater March 25, 1987
  10. Dominum et Vivificantem May 18, 1986
  11. Slavorum Apostoli June 2, 1985
  12. Laborem Exercens September 14, 1981
  13. Dives in Misericordia November 30, 1980
  14. Redemptor Hominis March 4, 1979


Other writings
Alphabetic Order

Other writings
Chronological Order

  1. Angelus/Regina Coeli Numerous daily Angelus speeches
  2. A Concilio Constantinopolitano I March 25, 1981 [Apostolic Letter]
  3. Catechesi Tradendae October 16, 1979 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  4. Christifideles Laici  December 30, 1988 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  5. Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition To Unions Between Homosexual Persons (From the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) June 3, 2003
    [English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
  6. Crossing the Threshold of Hope 1994 [Book]
  7. Dies Domini  May 31, 1998 [Apostolic Letter]
  8. Dilecti Amici March 31, 1985 [Apostolic Letter]
  9. Divini Amoris Scientia  October 19, 1997 [Apostolic Letter]
  10. Dominus Iesus  August 6, 2000 - from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
  11. Ecclesia Dei  July 2, 1988 [Apostolic Letter]
  12. Ecclesia in Africa  September 14, 1995 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  13. Ecclesia in America  January 22, 1999 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  14. Ecclesia in Asia November 6, 1999 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  15. Ex Corde Ecclesiae  August 15, 1990[Apostolic Constitution]
  16. Familiaris Consortio November 22, 1981 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  17. Fidei Depositum October 11, 1992 [Apostolic Constitution]
  18. The Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest November 12, 1996 [Apostolic Letter]
  19. General Directory for Catechesis [From the Congregation for the Clergy]  August 7, 1997
  20. Homilies Numerous daily homilies of the Pope 
  21. Inaestamabile Donum (Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship), April 17, 1980
  22. Iuvenum Patris Jaunuary 31, 1988
  23. Letter to Families (Gratissimam Sane) February 2, 1994
  24. Magnum Matrimonii Sacramentum  October 7, 1982 [Apostolic Constitution] English / Italian
  25. Misericordia Dei - April 7, 2002 [Apostolic Letter] 
  26. Mulieris Dignitatem August 15, 1988 [Apostolic Letter]
  27. Novo Millennio Ineunte January 6, 2001 [Apostolic Letter]
  28. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis May 22, 1994 [Apostolic Letter]
  29. Orientale Lumen  May 2, 1995 [Apostolic Letter]
  30. Pastor Bonus June 28, 1988 [Apostolic Constitution]
  31. Pastores Dabo Vobis March 25, 1992 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  32. Pastores Gregis   October 16, 2003 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  33. Reconciliatio et Paenitentia December 2, 1984 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  34. Redemptoris Custos August 15, 1989 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  35. Redemptionis Donum March 25, 1984 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  36. Rosarium Virginis Mariae - October 16, 2002 [Apostolic Letter]
  37. Sacrae Disciplinae Leges January 25, 1983 [Apostolic Constitution]
  38. Salvifici Doloris February 11, 1984 [Apostolic Letter]
  39. Sapientia Christiana April 15, 1979 [Apostolic Constitution]
  40. Sescentesima Anniversaria June 5, 1987 [Apostolic Letter]
  41. Speeches Numerous daily speeches to various groups by the Pope
  42. Tertio Millennio Adveniente November 10, 1994 [Apostolic Letter]
  43. Theology of the Body - Series of General Audiences
  44. The Third Centenary Anniversary of the Union of the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania with the Church of Rome June 20, 2000[Apostolic Letter]
  45. The 350 Years of the Union of Uzhorod April 18, 1996 [Apostolic Letter]
  46. Universi Dominici Gregis  February 22, 1996 [Apostolic Constitution]
  47. Vita Consecrata  March 25, 1996 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  1. Pastores Gregis   October 16, 2003 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  2. Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition To Unions Between Homosexual Persons (From the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) June 3, 2003 [English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
  3. Rosarium Virginis Mariae - October 16, 2002 [Apostolic Letter]
  4. Misericordia Dei - April 7, 2002 [Apostolic Letter] 
  5. Novo Millennio Ineunte January 6, 2001 [Apostolic Letter]
  6. Dominus Iesus  August 6, 2000 - from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
  7. The Third Centenary Anniversary of the Union of the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania with the Church of Rome June 20, 2000 [Apostolic Letter]
  8. Ecclesia in Asia November 6, 1999 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  9. Ecclesia in America  January 22, 1999 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  10. Dies Domini  May 31, 1998 [Apostolic Letter]
  11. Divini Amoris Scientia  October 19, 1997 [Apostolic Letter]
  12. General Directory for Catechesis [From the Congregation for the Clergy]  August 7, 1997
  13. The Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest November 12, 1996 [Apostolic Letter]
  14. The 350 Years of the Union of Uzhorod April 18, 1996 [Apostolic Letter]
  15. Vita Consecrata  March 25, 1996 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  16. Universi Dominici Gregis  February 22, 1996 [Apostolic Constitution]
  17. Ecclesia in Africa  September 14, 1995 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  18. Orientale Lumen  May 2, 1995 [Apostolic Letter]
  19. Tertio Millennio Adveniente November 10, 1994 [Apostolic Letter]
  20. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis May 22, 1994 [Apostolic Letter]
  21. Letter to Families (Gratissimam Sane) February 2, 1994
  22. Fidei Depositum October 11, 1992 [Apostolic Constitution]
  23. Pastores Dabo Vobis March 25, 1992 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  24. Ex Corde Ecclesiae  August 15, 1990[Apostolic Constitution]
  25. Redemptoris Custos August 15, 1989 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  26. Christifideles Laici  December 30, 1988 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  27. Mulieris Dignitatem August 15, 1988 [Apostolic Letter]
  28. Ecclesia Dei  July 2, 1988 [Apostolic Letter]
  29. Pastor Bonus June 28, 1988 [Apostolic Constitution]
  30. Iuvenum Patris Jaunuary 31, 1988
  31. Sescentesima Anniversaria June 5, 1987 [Apostolic Letter]
  32. Dilecti Amici March 31, 1985 [Apostolic Letter]
  33. Reconciliatio et Paenitentia December 2, 1984 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  34. Theology of the Body - Series of General Audiences
  35. Redemptionis Donum March 25, 1984 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  36. Salvifici Doloris February 11, 1984 [Apostolic Letter]
  37. Sacrae Disciplinae Leges January 25, 1983 [Apostolic Constitution]
  38. Magnum Matrimonii Sacramentum  October 7, 1982 [Apostolic Constitution] English / Italian
  39. Familiaris Consortio November 22, 1981 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  40. A Concilio Constantinopolitano I March 25, 1981 [Apostolic Letter]
  41. Inaestamabile Donum  (Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship), April 17, 1980
  42. Catechesi Tradendae October 16, 1979 [Apostolic Exhortation]
  43. Sapientia Christiana April 15, 1979 [Apostolic Constitution]
  44. Crossing the Threshold of Hope 1994 [Book]
  45. Angelus/Regina Coeli Numerous daily Angelus speeches
  46. Homilies Numerous daily homilies of the Pope 
  47. Speeches Numerous daily speeches to various groups by the Pope